When we buy any other commodity, we usually transact with one party. For example, a car is bought from just a car dealer, and you have to only deal with them.
Although home-buyers have to work with multiple parties — estate agents, mortgage brokers, solicitors, lenders and surveyors, contributing to it widely being accepted as one of the most stressful processes (following closely after divorce!).
A key contributor to this stress is that consumers have to interact with multiple softwares that each of these parties currently use — which are outdated, non-standardised and not interconnected.
Poor buyers, therefore, repeat the same processes with each stakeholder and glue everything together with email, phone, letters, WhatsApp and sometimes fax — adding to their pain…!
At Homey we are rebuilding the software landscape for consumers and businesses across the home-buying experience in a single cloud based platform to make it a beautiful and delightful experience. Here are some of our screens:
We are already profitable and work with 20 of the biggest estate agents/ law firms in UK.
We choose to be in semi-stealth mode as our customers currently come from referrals, and we don’t want incumbents learning from our ideas — the best way to learn about us, is to talk to us.